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We are your neighbors.  We are your friends.  We eat together. We drink together.  We play golf, pickleball and tennis together.  We swim, we hike, we pray, we volunteer and we play cards together.  We recognize SaddleBrooke as One community governed by two isolated and antagonistic HOA Boards.  And, we want them to start playing nice together just like we do. We want to start the process of formally changing SaddleBrooke into one united community.  Now.  Together.

Our Guiding Principles


  1. The partition of SaddleBrooke into two Homeowners’ Associations (HOA1 and HOA2) in 1998 has been detrimental to the long-term interests of all SaddleBrooke residents. We believe that a unified SaddleBrooke will enhance the quality of life through common policies, procedures, governance, and amenities

  2. The long-term interests of all SaddleBrooke residents will be best served by merging the two Homeowners’ Associations. SaddleBrooke was originally conceived as a single community by its developer, Robson; and we should return to that vision

  3. The residents of the community need an independent voice for the development of a single and unified SaddleBrooke.

  4. Merging the HOAs must be thoroughly studied and analyzed as to cost savings, benefits, and timing. All SaddleBrooke homeowners should have the opportunity to examine the facts, and to participate in a decision.

About: About

©2023 United SaddleBrooke

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